Unai Elordi PhD

15 years applying AI & CV research to solve real-world problems

AI Speaker featured in

Kontaktua: uelordicontact@gmail.com


AI and Computer Vision researcher for Intelligent Security Video Analytics.

AI related project manager

Active science communicator in Radio / TV / newspapers / events

AI and Computer Vision Researcher at Vicomtech

As a Ph.D. researcher, manager and developer specialized in #AI and #ComputerVision, I apply my expertise in various fields such as Face Recognition, Human Pose Estimation, and Optimal Deployment of AI models. Not only am I an applied R&D, but I also take pride in being a Science Communicator, actively contributing to various media sources (Radio, Television, Newspapers). My dual role allows me to bridge the gap between complex scientific concepts and the general public understanding.



Research papers

Science communications for media


Deep Learning Inference Optimization 100%
OpenCV 80%
TensorRT 60%
OpenVINO 80%
Serverless computing 60%
JavaScript 75%
Python 75%
C++ 80%
PHP 50%


  • Jon Goenetxea and Luis Unzueta and Unai Elordi and Oihana Otaegui and Fadi Dornaika (2021). Efficient Multi-task based Facial Landmark and Gesture Detection in Monocular Images. In Proceedings of the 16th International Joint Conference on Computer Vision, Imaging and Computer Graphics Theory and Applications, VISIGRAPP 2021, Volume 5: VISAPP, Online Streaming, February 8-10, 2021 (pp. 680–687).
  • Luis Unzueta and Sandra Garcia and Jorge Garcia and Valentin Corbin and Nerea Aranjuelo and Unai Elordi and Oihana Otaegui and Maxime Danielli (2020). Building a Camera-based Smart Sensing System for Digitalized On-demand Aircraft Cabin Readiness Verification. In Proceedings of the International Conference on Robotics, Computer Vision and Intelligent Systems, ROBOVIS 2020, Budapest, Hungary, November 4-6, 2020 (pp. 98–105).
  • Goenetxea, J., Unzueta, L., Elordi, U., Ortega, J. D., & Otaegui, O. (2018). Efficient monocular point-of-gaze estimation on multiple screens and 3D face tracking for driver behaviour analysis . In 6th Int. Conf. on Driver Distraction and Inattention (pp. 1-8).
  • Unai Elordi and Luis Unzueta and Ignacio Arganda-Carreras and Oihana Otaegui (2018). How Can Deep Neural Networks Be Generated Efficiently for Devices with Limited Resources?. In Articulated Motion and Deformable Objects - 10th International Conference, AMDO 2018, Palma de Mallorca, Spain, July 12-13, 2018, Proceedings (pp. 24–33).
  • Clemotte, A., Arregui, H., Velasco, M. A., Unzueta, L., Goenetxea, J., Elordi, U., ... & Jauregui, E. TRAJECTORY CLUSTERING FOR THE CLASSIFICATION OF EYE-TRACKING USERS WITH MOTOR DISORDERS.
  • Leonardo De-Maeztu and Unai Elordi and Marcos Nieto and Javier Barandiarán and Oihana Otaegui (2015). A temporally consistent grid-based visual odometry framework for multi-core architectures . J. Real Time Image Process., 10(4), 759–769.
  • Elordi, U., Segura, A., Goenetxea, J., Moreno, A., & Arambarri, J. (2012, July). Virtual reality interfaces applied to web-based 3D E-commerce. In Engineering Systems Design and Analysis (Vol. 44847, pp. 341-350). American Society of Mechanical Engineers.




Researcher and developer with more than 15 years of experience in Computer Vision and Artificial Ingelligence algorithms. His research lines are Deep Learning inference optimization, Face gesture/recognition/verification, DeepFake detection, Video surveillance aplications.

  • Parque Científico y Tecnológico de Gipuzkoa, Paseo Mikeletegi 57,
  • 20009 Donostia / San Sebastián (España)
  • uelordi@vicomtech.org


Phd in Artificial Intelligence


EHU/UPV university Artificial Intelligence Department

Universidad del País Vasco / Euskal Herriko Unibertsitatea. Barrio Sarriena s/n.48940 Leioa Bizkaia

Android associated developer



Master of Intelligent Systems and Computation Engineering

2015 - 2016

EHU/UPV university

Universidad del País Vasco / Euskal Herriko Unibertsitatea. Barrio Sarriena s/n.48940 Leioa Bizkaia

Computer Science Engineer


Mondragon Unibertsitatea (MGEP), Mondragon, Spain

Professional Experience


2012 - Present

Vicomtech (Intelligent Security Video Analytics )

  • Research about video analytics algorithm development and deployment.
  • Project Manager in public funded research projects Europe / Spain / Basque counter
  • Computer Vision and AI development, Areas: Face analysis, Face recognition, eye gaze estimation , action recognition, Human Pose Estimation)
  • Active colaborator in open source projects (github)

Research assistant

2009 - 2012

Vicomtech (Intelligent transport Systems (ITS))

  • Research about Deep Learnng optimizations to leverage optimal deployment in low-resource and embedded devices
  • Project Manager in public funded research projects
  • Active colaborator in open source projects (github)
  • Computer Vision and AI development in several areas (Face analysis, Face recognition, object detection, eye gaze estimation )

Radio contributor in AI technologies (2023-current)

Radio euskadi

Since 2023, I have been engaging in science communication to make technology more understandable and accessible to the general public

Radio contributor on AI research(2021-current)

Naiz Irratia

Since 2021, I have been talking about the latest advances of AI and Computer Vision topics.

Casual Science comunicator (2019-current)

Since 2019, Unai has been contributing to the traditional the current media sources to spread the science algorithms for the general public.

  • Euskadi irratia
  • Radio euskadi
  • Onda Vasca
  • Euskal Telebista
  • Cadena SER
  • Naiz irratia
  • twitch
  • berria
  • Euskal Encounter



Web Gluup S.L

  • Agile Teams leading
  • Email deliverability control
  • proactive web developer
  • Digital marketing enthusiast(landing strategies, search engine algorithm trackers)

Scientific communications

  • All
  • Radio
  • TV
  • Newspaper / conference

Teknologia azkar doa eta gogoetak harekin batera joan behar du

Love bombing: el engaño de la promesa de un falso romance de película a cambio de tu dinero

¿Que implica tener IA en tu bolsillo?

Radio Euskadi

IA y arte: ¿aliado o rival? ¿Es realmente útil y ético enseñar #emociones a las máquinas? ¿Tu ordenador personal se convertirá en tu asistente virtual? Escucha el audio completo en boulevard_euskadi


¿Venderías tu iris por cryptomonedas? analizamos los riesgos de vender datos biométricos a empresas privadas.


Me dedico a que las máquinas puedan ver

Eskuko telefonoa desblokeatzeko, lantegiko atea zabaltzeko edo ordainketak egiteko jada erabiltzen da aurpegi ezagutza. Aukera berriak zabaldu dira baina pribatutasuna urra dezakeelako ere bada kezka

App 2

Visión artificial para la COVID 19 y metales y microplásticos en alimentos

Card 2

Las empresas se rifan a los graduados en Inteligencia Artificial

Web 2

Nov 25 Conference: Facial recognition for low-cost IoT devices

App 3



Unai Elordi, investigador en el centro tecnológico de Vicomtech, ha dado a conocer una interesantísima técnica de análisis de caras conocida como Deepfake.

Card 3

¿Sabrías identificar un DeepFake?


Los vídeos falsos son ya el gran problema de Internet: aprende a distinguirlos


Unai Elordi: «Bitartekaririk ez egotea zen bitcoinaren helburua, baina errealitatea ez da hori» 2009an sortu baziren ere, kripto-txanponak bolo-bolo dabiltza azken hilabeteetan. Unai Elordi Hidalgok moneta digitalaren nondik norakoak azaldu dizkigu Bigarren Kafean.


Unai Elordi: «Sistema batek kontzientzia duela sinestera iritsi dira»


Charla Donostia Sustapena: técnicas habituales de creación de DeepFakes


Charla Donostia Sustapena: técnicas habituales de creación de DeepFakes


Cerca de 340 aficionados se dan cita en el encuentro que pone el foco en la inteligencia artificial aplicada a la salud, la educación y la empresa


Deia: ponencia sobre cómo la Inteligencia Artificial puede contribuir a luchar contra el coronavirus

Most relevant Open Source contributions

Face swap

Faceswap algorithm with texture triangulation approach. Dlib and MediaPipe 468 facemesh models are available.

MLPerf for serverless

This repo is the implementation of the Benchmarking DNN inference performance on serverless environment with MLPerf paper deployed to AWS Lambda.



A simple example to enable RenderScript with gradle + cmake+ ndk

OpenCV 3.4 android

This repository is created to avoid the gradle problems with the OpenCV java sdk, usually if you are going to use OpenCV CameraBridge.


This project is based on canvas HTML5 basic poligon drawing.
